Jan 1, 2023, 10:00 AM

Foreign Min., Judiciary to punish Gen. Soleimani assassins

Foreign Min., Judiciary to punish Gen. Soleimani assassins

TEHRAN, Jan. 01 (MNA) – The head of an Iranian special committee said that numerous institutions in Iran, including the Foreign Ministry and the country's justice system, had made some positive steps to punish Gen. Soleimani's assassins.

Abbas Ali Kadkhodaie, the head of an Iranian special committee tasked with prosecuting suspects in the assassination of General Soleimani in domestic and foreign courts, remarked on Saturday that numerous institutions in Iran, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the country's justice system, had made some positive steps to punish Gen. Soleimani's assassins.

Delivering a speech in a specialized roundtable concentrating on fighting terrorism and extremism in the West Asia region, Kadkhodaie, a legal expert, censured the US for assassinating Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

It was an act of state terrorism and a blatant disregard for all rules and conventions of international law, said Kadkhodaie, a legal expert.

The official also said that an indictment to prosecute suspects in the case is nearing completion. 

Iranian judges and prosecutors have been working on the case to ensure a favorable legal conclusion, the former member of the Guardian Council stated.

Kadkhodaie referred to the assassination of General Soleimani as an abominable crime and demanded that all those who were culprits should be held to account.

He stated that by assassinating General Soleimani, the US had breached all of its international commitments, including non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, compliance with human rights standards, and respect for nations' sovereignty and independence.

He emphasized that the US has been unable to defend the assassination, which he called a "clear example of state terrorism."

Asserting that Tehran was in the forefront of the battle against terrorist organizations like Daesh when General Soleimani was martyred, Kadkhodaie reaffirmed Iran's plan to confront and resist outsiders in the West Asia region.

“General Soleimani bolstered Iran's global power”

Speaking in the roundtable held at the Foreign Ministry Institute for Political and International Studies, the spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry also emphasized that one of General Soleimani's key traits was his capacity to increase both domestic and global power in support of the resistance front.

“Martyr Soleimani had a multifaceted personality which is important to carefully examine both his multifaceted traits and philosophical school in accordance with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution's directives,” Nasser Kan'ani asserted. 

The spokesman noted that General Soleimani was a national and unifying figure, as the Leader said, as well as having the ability to bring about power for the country and being a non-factional figure. 

He also added that the martyr could increase the power of Islam, the region, and Iran on the global stage.

Kan'ani continued by saying that since the great commander's life and martyrdom gave rise to power, the “haughty” US chose to murder him openly because they could not resist his unfailing traits and characteristics.

He said that the enemies planned the terrorist attack because they thought the fallout from Soleimani's assassination was more tolerable than his inspiring persona. 

The diplomat stated that his assassination increased Iran's influence and that all saw how his funeral march was “inspiring”.

“US misdeeds in assassinating Gen. Soleimani will go down in history”

Former Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Iraj Masjedi, termed the US assassination of General Soleimani as a historical crime.

He underscored that the legal and judicial pursuit of those responsible for such a heinous crime and those who assisted the Americans will immediately begin.

Martyr Soleimani's visits to Iraq were all formal and at Iraq's request, the former diplomat noted.

Cautioning the ramifications of the US crime, he added that the Americans' devilish action showed their true image to the people of the region, particularly the Iraqis.

He also emphasized that martyr Soleimani was a role model in battling terrorism.

As their convoy departed Baghdad International Airport in January 2020, General Soleimani, his Iraqi trenchmate Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of the PMU, and his certain deputies were assassinated by a drone strike that was specifically ordered by the White House.

Due to their crucial contributions in fighting against the takfiri Daesh terrorist organization, notably in Iraq and Syria, both leaders enjoyed great respect throughout West Asia. 

Iranian officials have reiterated time and time again that Tehran will definitely exact retribution on the terrorists who planned and carried out the attack on the anti-terror hero. 

Tehran has emphasized that because it is unpredictable when and where attacks would occur, Americans and Zionists should not take its threat of retaliation lightly. Tehran is serious about taking vengeance for the assassination of Martyr Soleimani.

Days later, in retaliation, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched a barrage of missiles towards the US-run Ein Al-Assad airbase in the western province of Al-Anbar in Iraq. The missile assault was called a "first slap" by Iran.

At least 110 American service members suffered "traumatic brain injuries" during the counterattack on the base, according to the Pentagon. 

Iran has requested that Interpol should issue a red notice for all perpetrators and planners of General Soleimani's assassination. 

Numerous more individuals have been named by Tehran as having ties to the intended terrorist act, including former US President Donald Trump, Pentagon officials, and American soldiers stationed in the region.

Based on a statement issued by the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the assassination of General Soleimani was ordered, carried out, or assisted by a number of people, including Trump, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. 

First published in Tehran Times

News ID 195586


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